February 23, 2015 Capitol-ism

Special Events


South Dakota Chamber Of Commerce - Capitol-ism E-Newsletter

February 23, 2015

Business Day an Enormous Success

Business Caucus – Business Leaders Address Issues of the Day

The 39th Annual Business Day at the Legislature was a success!  Each Business Day at the Legislature is designed to bring business leaders to the Capitol to discuss issues of the day with lawmakers and give those business leaders enough background and orientation on the nuances of the main issues to assist their comments to be as solution oriented as possible.

The lunch speaker was the Commissioner of Schools and Public Lands Ryan Brunner who reviewed the fact that his office provides nearly $100 million dollars’ worth of funding to schools by managing leases or mineral rights from public lands. 

The evening speaker was Malcom Chapman who shared his belief that future progress will be very dependent on public/private partnerships and also shared several experiences about settling in the Rapid City as black citizen.  He was humorous and stated that if the county can show progress on race relations over half a century then facing many community issues is well within reach.

Caucus is another hit!  A group of over 130 business leaders and folks from leadership classes answered questions about highway funding, technical schools, local option taxes and changes in liability standards.  These results were given to Legislators on Friday.  The responses from Business Caucus can be viewed by clicking on this link:

2015 Business Caucus Results

Caution – The Chamber’s official position on issues is determined by the Board of Directors and there are occasions where the participants at Business Caucus provide responses that do not match the Chamber’s official position.

Your Turn! This year we are asking Chamber members to chime in from their offices.  The link provided below will take you to the very same questions that were placed before participants of the Business Caucus.  The results from the “at home version” of the Caucus poll will be published in the next Capitol-ism.  It will be interesting to see if those voting from their own offices will have the same answers as those who attended Caucus.  Here is your opportunity express your views on the issues facing the legislature.

Take the survey - Click here to lend your voice to this year's Business Caucus

Review the participants of the 2015 Manufacturer's Showcase


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