Chamber Opposes Two Initiatives
by David Owen, President
South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Initiated Measure #9 Dealing with the sale of securities and stocks.
Initiated Measure #10 Prohibits your free speech; it does NOT make government open or clean.
The most significant threats to South Dakotas business environment are now being found on the ballot rather than in the legislative process. Recent elections have seen initiatives that would threaten the legal system, radically alter the property tax system and change the sales tax base that provides both state revenue and city funds.
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Economic Outlook Seminars Set for October
In todays competitive environment, it is more important than ever for business leaders to understand the economy of South Dakota and to understand the demographics that drive the workforce that is available to them. To help businesses attain these insights, the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry is presenting the second annual series of Economic Outlook Seminars. The Economic Outlook Seminar program is chaired by Fred Slunecka, Regional President of Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls.
Fred Slunecka and David Owen, President of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry announce the upcoming South Dakota Economic Outlook Seminars". Events will be held in Aberdeen, Tuesday, October 28 (tentative), Sioux Falls on Wednesday, October 29 and Thursday, October 30 in Rapid City. The seminars will run from 8:30 am to 1 pm. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Pre-registration will be required.
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Youth Business Adventure Hosts 29th Year Sessions
PierreYouth Business Adventure (YBA) recently completed its 29th annual sessions, hosting 211 high school seniors, along with educators and business executives from across the state during two week-long sessions. The first session was held at Black Hills State University in Spearfish while the second session was held at Dakota State University in Madison.
YBA students at the DSU session put pieces of "junk" together to make a new "product", using all their cretivity.
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Fred Slunecka Honored as Past Chairman of the Board
During the June 2008 Board of Directors meeting in Keystone,

Immediate Past Chairman of the Board Fred Slunecka was thanked for his year as the organization's leader and recognized for his many contributions.
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Manufacturing Workforce Summit
In conjunction with the South Dakota Department of Labor and Workforce 2025, the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a Manufacturing Workforce Summit June 24 in Sioux Falls. The Summit was a follow up to a meeting held during Business Day at the Legislature where representatives from the manufacturing industry met with state officials to discuss workforce needs.
The event was emceed by State Chamber President David Owen. Governor Mike Rounds kicked off the day-long event that included updates from several Cabinet members and the Board of Regents, as well as regional and national speakers.
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South Dakota Chamber and Economic Development Council Sets Fall Meeting Date
The annual fall conference of the South Dakota Chamber and Economic Development Council (SDCEDC) organization will be held Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at the Pierre Ramkota. Pre-conference activities will begin the evening of November 11 with an informal social (hors d'oeuvres and cash bar) running from 5:30 to 7 PM in the Courtyard area of the Ramkota. The pre-conference social is a great opportunity for new attendees to become acquainted with seasoned professionals.
The keynote speaker for November 12 is Bob Ash of Life Lessons from Indianapolis, IN.
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Visitor Industry Alliance
Annual Meeting to be Held
October 15 in Pierre
The Visitory Industry Alliance (VIA) annual meeting will be held Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at the Ramkota in Pierre, beginning at 11 AM and concluding no later than 2 PM. The annual meeting will include a review of the previous year's activities and provide an opportunity to discuss goals for 2009. A formal meeting notice will be mailed to all VIA members later this summer.
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High-Impact Firms Create South Dakotas Jobs And Growth
State Has 1,300 Of These Important Firms
WASHINGTON, D.C. High-impact firms create South Dakotas new jobs and growth, according to a study recently released by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Distributed across all industries, high-impact firms account for almost all employment and revenue growth in the national economy, the study concludes.
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IRS e-News for Small Businesses:
A Time Saver for Small Businesses and the Self-Employed
Keeping up with federal tax requirements is not always easy in todays fast-changing business environment. Even if small businesses and the self-employed use a tax professionals services, they still need to know and understand their tax responsibilities.
Thats why the IRS is working to provide businesspeople with timely information to help them understand and meet their tax obligations.
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