Special Events


Economic Outlook Seminar - Sioux Falls

10/14/2010,8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: Sioux Falls
Contact: Mary Anne Boyd

The South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Economic Outlook Seminar is set for Thursday, October 14, 2010. The Seminar will be held at the Ramkota, 3200 West Maple, Sioux Falls, beginning at 8:30 AM and concluding at 1:30 PM.  Registration is $50 per person and includes handout materials, continental breakfast, refreshments and lunch.

Receive up to date economic facts, what's happening with state university research programs, learn if the "Gorilla" project is still underway and how financial reforms will impact South Dakota business. Fred Slunecka, Regional President of Avera McKennan Hospital and Founding Chairman of the Economic Outlook Seminar program announces that this year's event has been scheduled for Thursday, October 14 at the Sioux Falls Ramkota. The popular annual Economic Outlook Seminar will feature an update on the South Dakota and local economies; a discussion about campus research in the state; a progress report on the Hyperion Energy Center project at Elk Point; and a panel discussion addressing the physics of national financial reform.

8:30 AM - Dare We Ask?  Is South Dakota recovering, stalled, heading for a double-dip recession?
Dr. Ralph Brown, Vermillion, Economic Analysts & Associates; Professor Emeritus of Economics at USD and chief advisor to the Governor's Economic Advisory Council will give his annual report on the South Dakota and local economies.

10:15 AM - Exploring Research:  Are we really doing research in South Dakota?  What is being studied?  Will it help our economic recovery?
Dr. Laura Jenski, VP for Research, USD, Vermillion and Dr. Kevin Kephart, VP for Research, SDSU, Brookings will discuss campus research projects as they relate to economic development in the state.

11:30 AM - The "State of Hyperion" Address.  How is the gorilla doing?
Preston Phillips, Project Executive/Director of Business Development, Hyperion Resources, Dallas, TX will provide a progress report on the Hyperion Energy Center project at Elk Point.

12 Noon Luncheon - The Physics of Financial Reform:  Congress has taken action - what reaction will follow from the marketplace?
Curt Everson, President, South Dakota Bankers Association, will lead panelists David Zimbeck, Citibank; Dana Dykhouse, First Premier Bank; and Jim DeMay, US Bank in a discussion about national financial reforms. 

1:30 PM - Adjourn

The Economic Outlook Seminar is sponsored by Avera Health, Avera McKennan Hospital, First Premier Bank, Sanford Health, and Forward Sioux Falls/Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce.

The Economic Outlook Seminar will be held Thursday, October 14, 2010, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Continental breakfast, refreshments and lunch will be provided. Pre-registration and the $50 fee are required for attendance. To register call the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry at 1-800-742-8112.  Thank you.

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