January 26, 2015 Capitol-ism
Special Events
South Dakota Chamber Of Commerce - Capitol-ism E-Newsletter
January 26, 2015
The first issue of Capitol-ism focused on the proposed tax increases that are found in the Governor’s bill (yet to be introduced) and SB 1 (the bill that emerged from the Interim Committee). Depending on your point of view, these proposed “revenue enhancers” are either the most needed investments in decades or one of the most significant increases in the history of the state.
As the Chamber’s Board of Directors contemplates the specifics of increasing funding for roads/highways and bridges, they would like to hear from the membership. If you could take approximately 3 minutes to fill out a survey expressing your support or opposition, it would be most helpful. No one will call you at the office or at your home and tick you off . . . using this link is the only way to tell the Chamber’s leadership if you are ticked off without getting a call.
Roads-Highways-Bridges Funding Survey
Thank you for your support of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
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