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Youth Business Adventure Hosts 29th Year Sessions
Pierre—Youth Business Adventure (YBA) recently completed its 29th annual sessions, hosting 211 high school seniors, along with educators and business executives from across the state during two week-long sessions. The first session was held at Black Hills State University in Spearfish while the second session was held at Dakota State University in Madison.
At YBA, the students and educators gained vital information about the business world from those who work and live in that world, the business executives or "Company Advisors" and volunteer speakers. They also had the opportunity to gain college credits for their participation in the YBA sessions. In addition, the schedules included a tour of area businesses, Spearfish Forest Products and Dan Diego’s Tortilla Factory in Spearfish and Falcon Plastics, Inc. and Gehl Manufacturing in Madison. Companies competed in a business management simulation, in a Business Quiz Bowl, produced a one minute TV commercials, designed a company logo, participated in a problem solving activity, and presented business plans before a panel of volunteer judges. Students also were entertained with evening activities of bowling, swimming, and a dance.
Since its inception in 1980, Youth Business Adventure has been sponsored by the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce & Industry, a statewide business organization located in Pierre. The program is completely funded through contributions from generous South Dakota business, corporate, and individual sponsors.
Preparations are currently underway for the 30th annual sessions of the Youth Business Adventure program. The first session will be held at Black Hills State University June 7 - June 12, 2009, and the second at Dakota State University in Madison June 21 - June 26, 2009.
The daily newsletters from both 2008 campuses and closing slide shows can be found on the YBA website, www.yba-sd.org, along with more information about the YBA program. For further information about Youth Business Adventure, contact the local participants, or call the YBA office at 1-800-742-8112.
There were 8 2008 YBA Scholarship winners: four at the BHSU session and four at the DSU session. These students are also eligible to receive a $500 scholarship from a matching South Dakota institution of higher education.
- Blossom Buum, Menno HS, (SME of Sioux Falls/YBA Scholarship)
- Daniel Fry, Pierre T. F. Riggs HS, (Citibank, SD (N.A.)/YBA Scholarship) Casey Kaltenbach, Miller HS
- Holly Stewart, Lighthouse Christian Homeschool, (Valley Queen Cheese Gonzenbach-Nef/YBA Scholarship)
- Daniel Tuchscherer, Milbank HS, (Valley Queen Cheese Gonzenbach-Nef/YBA Scholarship)
- Lacey Viet, Parker HS, Pierre, (SME of Sioux Falls/YBA Scholarship) Hayden Waisanen, Lead-Deadwood HS
- Ashley Weber, Armour HS, (Citibank, SD (N.A.)/YBA Scholarship)
The BHSU College of Business and Technology has agreed to provide a $1000 scholarship match to one freshman entering in the fall of 2009, with the stipulation that it must be awarded to a student who will be pursuing a business major at BHSU.
2008 YBA Scholarship winners at BHSU, seated left to right,
Daniel Fry, Holly Stewart, Blossom Buum, and Hayden Waisanen, with (standing from left) Dr. Priscilla Romkema, Dean of the BHSU College of Business & Technology, Assistant Dean Sheila Aaker; and VP Student Affairs Lois Flagstad.

Scholarship winners during the 2008 DSU session include, seated from left are Ashley Weber, Lacey Viet, Casey Kaltenbach, and Daniel Tuchscherer. Representatives from matching Colleges and Universities included, standing Dr. Evert Van der Sluis, SDSU Interim Economics Chair; Bruno Kufeld, Jennifer Hieb and Nicole Hammer, Presentation College Enrollment Center; and DSU President Dr. Douglas Knowlton.
2008 YBA Volunteers from the Business Community
BHSU = Black Hills State University session June 8-13, 2008 Campus Chair = CC
DSU = Dakota State University session June 22-27, 2008 Company Advisor = CA
Speaker = Spk
Emerging Entrepreneur Judge = EEJdg
Scholarship Essay Judge = SE Jdg
Commercials, Cheers, & Logos Judge = CC&L Jdg
City - Name - Company - Volunteered as:
- Jay Bender Falcon Plastics, Inc. DSU-CC, Tour
- Sharon Klein 3M Company BHSU-CA
- Kris Struwe Dakota Abstract & Title Co., Inc. DSU-CA
- Chuck Turbiville BHSU-EE Jdg
Elk Point
- Pat Wingan AaLadin Industries, Inc. DSU- EE Jdg
- Brian McDanial (representing Wheeler Mfg.) BHSU-CA
- Deb Coffey Dakota State University DSU- CC&L Jdg
- Jim Jahnke Dakota State University DSU-CCL
- Dr. Lynette Molstad-Gorder DSU DSU- SE Jdg
- Peg O’Brien Dakota State University DSU- CC&L Jdg
- Dan Talley Dakota State University DSU-EE Jdg
- Brian Sandvig Valley Queen Cheese Factory BHSU-CA
- Laura Miller Mitchell Technical Institute DSU- SE Jdg
Sioux Falls/Omaha
- Duane Salonen Leadership Training Institute DSU-SPK
- Jodi Jackson Morris, Inc. BHSU-CA
Rapid City
- John Brockelsby Reptile Gardens BHSU-SPK
- Chris Gross KEVN Black Hills Fox TV BHSU-SPK
- Linda Hodgin Dacotah Bank BHSU-CA
- Dona Leavens SD Small Business Dev. Ctr. BHSU- EE Jdg
- Gary Lowman Leadership Training Institute BHSU-SPK
- Linda Rabe Rapid City Chamber of Com. BHSU- SE Jdg
- Dennis Wagner U-Haul Rapid City BHSU-CC & EE Jdg
Sioux Falls
- Barbara Cole USD Beacom School of Business DSU-CA
- Karl Johnson eTelecare DSU-CA
- Steve Knight Shur-Co, Inc. DSU-CA
- Jill Paulson Mount Marty Collage DSU-CA
- Bill Shorma Shur-Co, Inc. DSU- EE Jdg
2008 YBA Educators
BHSU = Black Hills State University session June 8-13, 2008
DSU = Dakota State University session June 22-27, 2008
City - School - Name - Teaching Fields - Campus
Armour Armour - Ron Weber Business DSU
Corsica Corsica - Scott Muckey Principal/Business Education DSU
Dell Rapids Dell Rapids Public - Mark Shriver Social Science/PE/Health DSU
Fort Pierre Stanley County - Bobbi Jo Parker MS Math/Science BHSU
Henry Henry - Micheal Perrion Technology Coord./K-12 Computers DSU
Howes Takini - Connie Zimbleman Business BHSU
Mission Todd Co. - Marcelle Red Fish-Farmer Business BHSU
Plankinton Plankinton - Todd Karst Business/Computers/PE DSU
Presho Lyman - Carol Birgen Fam. & Cons. Sci./World Hist. BHSU/Current Events
Rutland Rutland - Kathleen Trower Business Management DSU
St. Francis St. Francis - Rose Anderson Computers BHSU Salem McCook Central Chris Mc Gregor Social Studies DSU
Selby Selby - Sam Glantzow Band/Chemistry/Physics BHSU
Sturgis Brown - Mel Youngberg Bus. Practices/Career Plan./Pers. Fin. BHSU
Tyndall Bon Homme - Janet Wagner Science/Activities Director DSU
Wall Wall - Tom Calhoun Business/’Computers BHSU Wanblee Crazy Horse Mary Gropper Business Ed/Computers BHSU
White Lake - White Lake Marcia Schuldt Business/History DSU
2008 YBA Student Assistants
The following are High School graduates who attended YBA 2007. They were invited to return to campus as Student Assistants for YBA 2008.
HS City - High School - Name - Home Town - Post Secondary
BHSU Session
Lead-Deadwood Lead - Trent Edwards Lead USD
Wall Wall - Muriel Kjerstad Wall DWU
Lyman HS Presho - Jana Sprenger Presho USD
DSU Session
Dell Rapids Public Dell Rapids - Dillon DeBoer Dell Rapids Augustana
Stickney Stickney - Angie Koch Plankinton DSU
St. Mary Dell Rapids - Gerard (Jerry) Rush III Dell Rapids USD
Stickney Stickney - Anne Wentworth Stickney USF
2008 YBA Student Participants
HS City - High School - Name - Home Town
- Aberdeen - Roncalli Samantha Papousek Aberdeen
Armour - Armour Matthew Bosma Armour
- Ashley Weber Armour (YBA Scholarship Winner)
- Belle Fourche - Belle Fourche Jeffrey Nelson Belle Fourche
- Beresford - Beresford Alicia Kleinschmit Beresford
- Brookings - Brookings Rebecca Andersen Brookings
- Canton - Canton Matthew Huber Canton
Clear Lake - Deuel Logan DeBoer Clear Lake
- Colome - Colome Claire Beck Dallas
- Hailey Hughes Colome
- Jesse Tate Clearfield
- Ashley Weidner Winner
- Colton - Tri-Valley Alex Mader Sioux Falls
- Austin Nelson Crooks
- Corsica - Corsica Stephanie Blom Corsica
- Sarah Luebke Corsica
Dell Rapids - Dell Rapids Public Kiira Anderson Dell Rapids
- Samantha Avery Dell Rapids
Caleb Tollefson Garretson
- Elizabeth Kerns Dell Rapids
- Erin Koens Dell Rapids
- Hillary McQuade Dell Rapids
- Meghan Paul Dell Rapids
- Taylor Richter Dell Rapids
- Tony Schwebach Dell Rapids
- St. Mary - Stacey Scholten Dell Rapids
- Tony Siemonsma Garretson
- Jessica Wolles Dell Rapids
- DeSmet - DeSmet Haylee Brodersen DeSmet
- Justin Larson DeSmet
- Eagle Butte - Cheyenne Eagle Butte Knistina Joens Eagle Butte
- Kendra Willison Eagle Butte
- Elk Point - Elk Point-Jefferson Andrew Rosenbaum Elk Point
- Ashton Bird Elk Point
- Crystal Aguilar Elk Point
- Elkton - Elkton Nikki Asmus Elkton
- Rachel Langland White
Estelline - Estelline David Elliott Lake Norden
- Fort Pierre - Stanley County Kyla VanDenHemel Fort Pierre
- Kirsten Wilcox Fort Pierre
- Freeman - Freeman Brett Eisenbeis Hurley
- Gregory - Gregory Raeanne Klein Gregory
- Groton - Groton Bethany Abeln Groton
- Kemari Blumhardt Bath
Bethany Hansmeier Bristol
- Hanna Larsen Groton
- Samantha Larson Groton
- Sara Raap Bristol
Morgan Schuring Groton
Henry - Henry Amanda Beynon Clark
- Herreid - Herreid Brittany Huber Herreid
- Jessica Swartz Herreid
- Hill City - Hill City Audrey Berbenich Hill City
- Gabby Hogancamp Hill City
- Patricia Romero Hill City
- Hot Springs - Hot Springs Victoria Cachro Hot Springs
Lauren Mosset Hot Springs
- Hoven - Hoven Lyndsey Hartung Hoven
- Ipswich - Ipswich Courtney Burgod Ipswich
- Lexie Birdsall Ipswich
- Lacey Stafford Ipswich
- Irene - Irene-Wakonda Nicole Nielsen Irene
- Iroquois - Iroquois Hillary Bohlander Cavour
- Lake Preston - Lake Preston Morgan Hauck Lake Preston
- Langford - Langford Josie Oakland Bristol
- Lead - Lead-Deadwood Mesha Larson Deadwood
Hayden Waisanen Deadwood (YBA Scholarship Winner)
Lemmon - Lemmon Serena Engesser Lemmon
- Madison - Madison Randi Hackett Madison
- Martin - Bennett County Cara Kratovil Martin
Menno - Menno Blossom Buum Olivet (YBA Scholarship Winner)
Milbank - Milbank LeeAlexander Twin Brooks
Danielle Dearborn Milbank
Emily Dorneman Milbank
Kelsey Johnson Milbank
Andrew Leddy Milbank
Megan Ludwig Milbank
Kaitlin Snaza Milbank
Malinda Thiele Corona
Brittany Tillma Milbank
Daniel Tuchscherer Milbank (YBA Scholarship Winner)
Michelle Wellnitz Milbank
- Miller - Miller Hannah Caffee Miller
Amber Clement St. Lawrence
Casey Kaltenbach Miller (YBA Scholarship Winner)
Chelsey Schlechter Miller
- Meredith Schroeder Miller
- Mission - Lighthouse Christian Homeschool Holly Stewart Mission (YBA Scholarship Winner)
- Mitchell - Mitchell Rachel Hieb Mitchell
- Terese Skinner Mitchell
- N. Sioux City - Dakota Valley McKenzie Jordan Dakota Dunes
Brandon Reynolds Jefferson
- Onida - Sully Buttes Holly Bonnichsen Blunt
- Parker - Parker Lacey Viet Parker (YBA Scholarship Winner)
- Megan Compton Parker
- Philip - Philip Kayla O’Connell Philip
- Pierre - T. F. Riggs Bryan Adams Pierre
Daniel Fry Pierre (YBA Scholarship Winner)
- Plankinton - Plankinton Amanda Anderson Plankinton
- Zachary Bradford Plankinton
Platte - Platte-Geddes Katrina Dyk Geddes
- Rhona Nelson Platte
Jenna Vanderheiden Platte
- Presho - Lyman Christina Borah Kennebec
- Dustin Cole Presho
- Kayla Hamer Kennebec
- Mike Herman Presho
- Tiffany Moore Kennebec
- Michael Uthe Presho
- Rapid City - St. Thomas More Austin Hagg Rapid City
- Steven LaFleur Rapid City
- Kaitlin Mallow Black Hawk
- Roslyn - Roslyn Kristin Liknes Grenville
- Karli Opitz Eden
Scotland - Scotland Ashley Fischer Lesterville
- Sioux Falls - Lincoln Ryan Thuringer Sioux Falls
- O’Gorman Matt Burkard Sioux Falls
Ashley Larson Sioux Falls
Patrick Linsenmeyer Sioux Falls
- Catherine Sea Sioux Falls
- Roosevelt Meagan Boyer Sioux Falls
Jacob Jackson Sioux Falls
Washington Ryan Kocak Sioux Falls
- Zach McBrayer Sioux Falls
- Stickney - Stickney LaDawn Dykstra Stickney
- DeLyle Sly Stickney
- Sturgis - Brown Kori Clyde Spearfish
- Tea - Tea Area Jayne Peterson Tea
- Stephanie Honomichl Tea
- Timber Lake - Timber Lake Jace Booth Timber Lake
Ashlee Brotsky Timber Lake
- Jacinda Schweitzer Timber Lake
- Tripp - Tripp-Delmont Casey Eberhardt Tnipp
- Tyndall - Bon Homme Joseph Davis Tyndall
- Michael Wieseler Tyndall
- Vermillion - Vermillion Lance Hubert Vermillion
- Tia Knier Vermillion
- Volga - Sioux Valley Weston Adkins Volga
Wagner - Wagner John Rysavy Wagner
Wall - Wall Amanda Fischer Wall
- Hannah Huether Wall
- Watertown - Watertown Amanda Gonnelly Watertown
- Webster - Webster Desiree Hansmeier Bristol
- Galacia Barton Webster
- Michael Dulitz Webster
- Nichol Lee Webster
- Wessington Springs - Wessington Springs Alyssa Massella Wessington Springs
- White Lake - White Lake Brian Bogenhagen White Lake
- Wilmot - Wilmot Summer Bronson Wilmot
Whitney Lutkemeier Wilmot
- Yankton - Yankton Gina Althoff Yankton
- Tim Healy Yankton
- Thad Kaltsulas Yankton
At the BHSU session:
- 111 student attendees - from 45 high schools
- (140 applicants - 29 cancellations, representing 17 high schools)
- 15 of the schools had other students attending at least one of the sessions
- 2 of the schools had no student representation due to cancels/no shows: Kadoka and Rosholt.
- 12 high schools had student representatives on both campuses
- 9 company advisors (CA’s)
- 9 teacher assistants (TA’s)
- 3 student assistants (SA’s)
- 8 volunteer speakers and 1 paid keynote speaker
At the DSU session:
During Closing ceremonies at the BHSU session Company A members pose with their Company Advisor Brian McDaniel and Teacher Assistant Mary Gropper after receiving their first place gold medals.
DSU Campus Chair Jay Bender along with members of Company I and their Company Advisor Greg Wagner and Teacher Assistant Janet Wagner show off their first place gold medals.