Unemployment Insurance
The Wreck of Recession
Who the heck is Sir Charge and why
does he want money from us?
We didnt have a layoff!
Nobody in their right mind sits around worrying about their tonsils. Then, a series of bad sore throats and a doctor is suggesting they come out. In recovery from the operation it becomes obvious - the cure hurts far worse than the disease.
So it is with Unemployment Insurance. Most small business owners dont understand it and most large business CEOs dont even know they have it. Then, the worst recession in two lifetimes hits and nearly every business in the state faces a surcharge and feels like theyve been grabbed by the throat.
This special report will directly answer the following questions or (following long-held traditions in public policy debates, wont really answer but will point out numerous options . . . none of which make anyone happy):
· How did this happen?
· Who thought up this surcharge?
· How long will it last?
· Whose fault is this?
· Why do businesses that have NEVER had a claim have to pay the surcharge?
· How does the state fix a deficit UI trust fund?
· What changes should be made in how this system is run?
The Chamber will not answer one of the most emotional questions that has been asked concerning the UI fund, which is usually phrased something like Who can we pound?
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Chamber Helps Host
Healthcare Roundtable
Federal issues are the domain of others and state policy is the singular focus of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry. That sentiment worked until this year when the new administration in Washington DC started major policy debates that could bring severe hardship on business in South Dakota.
One of these major proposals is healthcare reform.
To keep in touch with developments in
Washington, and to learn about the impact on state policy, the Chamber hosted a roundtable discussion with Senator Thune and Governor Rounds (pictured).
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2010 Business Day at the Legislature
Thursday, February 18 in Pierre
The South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry serves as the "Voice of Business" for the state's business community. At no time is that role more important than during the legislative session. State Chamber President David Owen serves as the organization's chief lobbyist and spends the first three months of the year walking the halls of the Capitol engaged in the process of crafting and revising laws that govern South Dakota.
The legislative positions championed by Owen during session are the result of many months of research, review and hands-on involvement with matters such as unemployment insurance, sales tax and property taxes. Throughout the session, Owen, in conjunction with Legislative Committee Chairman Bill Peterson of Sioux Falls, continually presents and reviews issues with the Chambers Board of Directors, who ultimately determine the best course of action on any number of legislative issues that will impact the states business environment.
Business Day at the Legislature allows members from across the state to witness the process first hand.
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Chamber's Outlook Seminar
Shows Recession Details
As a venue designed to provide business leaders with an understanding of the state's economy and national trends, the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry presented the third annual South Dakota Economic Outlook Seminar the 27th of October in Sioux Falls.
This year's agenda included Dr. Ralph Brown, USD professor emeritus and chief advisor to the Governors Economic Advisory Council, speaking on South Dakota and local economic projections, as well as a comparison to past recessions; a look at the local real estate market was presented by Barton Hacker, Realtor Association of the Sioux Empire, and Sioux Falls real estate leader Michael Bender; Ron Eidshaug, Vice President of Congressional and Public Affairs for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce offered a review of national issues that impact business; and, keynote speaker, Dr. Robert Wright, Nef Family Chair of Political Economy at Augustana College, addressed the nations financial crisis.
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Youth Business Adventure
Preparations Underway for 2010
Preparation for the 2010 Youth Business Adventure has started; recruitment packets will be sent out at the end of this month to all South Dakota high schools. Starting January 4, 2010, students may also register online at our newly updated website, www.yba-sd.org. Dates for this summers sessions are June 6-11, at Black Hills State University and June 20-25, at Dakota State University.
YBA is still looking for company advisors for both sessions. If your organization is interested in sending volunteers to support the youth of South Dakota, please visit our website www.yba-sd.org , email jasperd@sdchamber.biz or contact Jasper 605-224-6161 or 800-742-8112 for more information. YBA would love your expertise this summer!
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2010 Legislative Handbook
Last Chance for Ad Space
Preorder Copies
The South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be printing the 2010 Legislative Handbook during the final weeks of the year. Our annual distribution list includes legislators, lobbyists, constitutional officers, cabinet members, and South Dakota Chamber members - all complimentary. Additional copies are sold to local chambers of commerce and development corporations, along with hundreds of business and professional individuals from across the state. More than 3,500 copies will be circulated during the first two weeks of the legislative session.
While the printing schedule is dictated by when final information on legislative committees, meeting schedules and office assignments becomes available, the target date for completion is January 6. The 2010 Legislative Session begins Tuesday, January 12.
The individual price of each book is $2.75 (+ postage if mailed), quantity discounts apply. A limited number of books are printed. If you anticipate a need for a significant number of books, you are encouraged to pre-order and may do so by sending an email to carrelv@sdchamber.biz or by calling Carrel Vallery at 1-800-742-8112.
This popular publication also has very limited space available for new advertisers in 2010. The convenient 4 x 6 size of our publication will remain the same as in previous years.
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Are We Correct?
Membership Contact Info Request
The South Dakota Chamber routinely communicates with its members through email. This is true for Capital-Ism, which provides Chamber insights to the legislative session and also for this newsletter. We do maintain a small group of members who prefer to receive this information by fax and these individuals receive an abridged version of the publications.
If you are reading this newsletter, we obviously have your email address. If there are others in your organizations who wish to receive these messages, please notify Chamber staff by email to contactus@sdchamber.biz. Indicate the persons name, your company name and either the email address or fax number. If you prefer to call, the number is 605-224-6161.
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Working Together to Improve the
Way Chamber Members Do Business
Why Not Put Money Back In Your Pocket? The South Dakota Chamber of Commerce & Industry and First National Merchant Solutions can help! With First National, members receive discounted credit card processing rates along with revenue opportunities. Take this opportunity to discover for yourself the true value First National can bring to your business.
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South Dakota Visitor Industry Alliance
Prepares For January 20-21, 2010
Governor's Conference on Tourism
The South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry provides administrative services through a contractual arrangement with the South Dakota Visitor Industry Alliance (VIA). VIA is preparing for the 2010 Governor's Conference on Tourism, set for January 20-21 in Pierre.
Fund-raising activities include the annual luncheon Wednesday, January 20 at 11 AM. The cost of the luncheon is $15 and pre-registration is required. Call VIA at 605-945-2846.
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